Monday, May 20, 2013

On Being Slow

Stopping in the middle of a training run.... This sign says it all!
I am not a fast runner.  I state often how slow I am.  When someone congratulates me on a race, I always feel I need to follow up that compliment with a "well,  I run really slow".  When I end up talking about running, even to people who really don't know me, I always feel like I have to clarify that I run slow.  As if running slow doesn't qualify me as a runner.  Its a problem I have.  I've thought a lot about it why I do this.  Part of it is I really don't feel like a "real runner".  But, honestly, I also want people to understand that if I can do it, they can too.  That running doesn't have to be fast to count.

There seem to be two line of thoughts.  Those that believe that to be consider a "real" runner, you need to be competitive.  You need to have thoughts of Boston on your mind.  Others believe that as long as you are going out and putting in the miles, you are a runner.  The funny thing is that I believe that as long as you are out there running, then you are a runner.  Except for me.

I work hard at my running.  I push my heart rate.  I might only be running at around a 10 min/ mile pace, but my heart rate is in zone 4.  I run 3-4 times a week, logging my miles in consistently.  I follow training plans.  My pace is not because I am a casual jogger.  My pace just is.

So one marathon, one half-ironman, countless other tri's, half-marathons, and other races..... I still have to tell myself that I Am a Runner.

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